Tyler Apartment Association

The purpose of the Tyler Apartment Association is to enhance the professionalism and integrity of the local rental housing industry in Anderson, Bowie, Cass, Cherokee, Delta, Franklin, Hopkins, Rains, Red River, Smith and Van Zandt Counties, by providing a networking forum, educational opportunities, community awareness, products and services to its membership. Membership of the association is comprised of rental housing owners, property management firms, Supply Partners, builders, developers and others engaged in the rental housing industry.

Tyler Apartment Association

Monthly Meeting

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Monthly Meeting Reservation Cancellation Policy. Cancellations must be received by noon two business days prior to the event, otherwise the company will be billed. *Notice, The Tyler Apartment Association will be taking photographs during all Association Events. The association will also publish these photo's on our publications, social media and advertising pieces.

Upcoming Events

Oct 09
Nov 13

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