Tyler Apartment Association All Member Meetings
Tyler Apartment Association Nomination of Officers Meeting
Potpourri House 3320 Troup Hwy., Tyler, TXThis meeting is for all members of the Tyler Apartment Association. Guest Speaker is Joe Gordon. He will be speaking on "Positive Intelligence"
Tyler Apartment Association Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
Potpourri House 3320 Troup Hwy., Tyler, TXThis meeting is for all members of the Tyler Apartment Association.
Bingo Bash and Mixer
Holiday Inn South Broadway 5701 S. Broadway Ave., Tyler, TXAll members are welcome to attend. Watch for more to come, soon.
Tyler Apartment Association Installation of Officers
Potpourri House 3320 Troup Hwy., Tyler, TXThis meeting is for all members of the Tyler Apartment Association.
Tyler Apartment Association General Membership Meeting
Potpourri House 3320 Troup Hwy., Tyler, TXThis meeting is intended for all members of the Tyler Apartment Association. Come and meet your US Representative Nathaniel Moran. Let's find out what he is working on in the 119 Congress.
Petals & Prestige Excellence in the Rental Housing Industry Awards Gala
Holiday Inn South Broadway 5701 S. Broadway Ave., Tyler, TXThis event is to Celebrate the Best of the Best in the Apartment Industry and the Suppliers who support the industry. Stay Tuned for More! Award Nominations open June 26th to July 28th Award Applications due back by August 22nd